Thursday, May 23, 2013

Adoption Update!

Things are getting pretty exciting around here! We found out today that our dossier was sent to Micah and Aubrey’s country late last week and has been received in country. The dossier is a big collection of paperwork that includes our home study, approval from the USA to bring the kids here as US citizens, FBI clearances, medical clearances, family pictures, as well as various other documents. It’s kinda scary to stick all of that in the mail, knowing that it represents months of gathering information and documentation! So we are so happy to know that it got there in one piece!

 So, from here it usually takes about two weeks for the dossier to be translated and another five days for it to be authenticated. After that, it is submitted for review and we will need to wait a week or two for
what is called a “verbal referral”.  Next, we will wait maybe around three weeks for our written referral. It is after that, that we will finally receive travel dates to go meet Micah and Aubrey for the first time! We are optimistic that we might possibly get to travel sometime in July or August at the earliest. We are so excited that it is coming up so quickly!

We have been incredibly humbled and blessed by so many people who have reached out to us and supported us in so many ways. From the prayers that have been lifted on our behalf, to the words of support and encouragement, to the financial support that has been given—we are so thankful! From family and friends, to complete strangers several states away, to a person across the Atlantic, we thank you for making a difference in the lives of these two children and our family!

Our burden for orphans is growing with every step we take closer to Aubrey and Micah. The need is so great and God is moving mountains in our lives to bring these two treasures into our family. If there is anyone out there whose heart has been burdened to reach out to “the least of these” in some way I encourage you to do it! God will show up in the coolest ways…we are a testimony to that!

We wanted to let those who are curious know where we are at on the financial front:

So far we have put $11,400 towards our adoption to cover the initial costs of:  the official commitment, home study, notarizing and apostilling of documents, costs associated with our I800a, passports, FBI prints, and the $5,500 that was due with the dossier as part of the program fee.

So what do we have left?
We have the flight, hotel, and food costs for two trips over to Eastern Europe for both Cliff and I plus bring both children home: approx. $7,000 (although this could be more depending on the time of year we travel and how much flights are at the time).
We have the cost of both visas for the children: $460.
USCIS fee for Aubrey: $720.
Medical exams for the children in country: $100.
The rest of our program fee, which is due after trip 1: $4,250
Grand Total Still Remaining: Approx. $12,530

Yesterday we received two amazing gifts totaling 6200.00! That means that we only need to raise another 6,330.00!

Wow! Though we still have a ways to go, we look back in amazement over the last three months and the faithfulness of God to provide through so many different means!

Let our story be an encouragement to all! If God calls you to do something that is out of your comfort zone, don’t be afraid to do it! He will provide all that is needed!  We are confident that although we’re not quite there yet, that everything will fall into place as we continue to move forward.
Thank you all for your continued support and prayers! Be blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I think you guys are located near us :) I didn't see an email here so just wanted to leave a comment! We have 3 girls adopted from U (all with DS)!
