Monday, April 1, 2013

Things are moving forward!

We got news from our social worker that our home study is done. This is the first major step of our adoption journey--finished in six weeks! Now that our home study is complete, this frees us to move forward in several ways. We will now be able to begin working on our dossier (the big bunch of paperwork that will need to be sent over to Micah’s country). There are several steps to that process, some of which
require submitting things and waiting, but at least we are on our way. It’s amazing how many times we have to get our fingerprints done in this process! This also frees us to apply for adoption grants so we’ll see how that goes! There is so much happening on the adoption home front right now. Some of you may already know that in December Russ*an’s president decided to close international adoption to Americans as political retaliation. This left many families, who were already in the process of adopting, with broken hearts and dreams. Many of these children had already met their adoptive parents since Russ*a requires several trips over before finalization of the adoption. It remains to be seen what will happen in this situation, but I pray that the doors would open again so that these children can be free to come home. International adoption is also taking center stage through a new documentary that was recently released called “Stuck”. It follows four families on their quest to adopt internationally and is an excellent look at the process and the hardships that many families face along the way. Maybe “Stuck” is coming to a city near you. To find out more, visit: As we jump into this second phase of adoption preparation, we have decided to have an adoption luncheon. We are hoping to share our hearts on adoption with our family and friends, as well as raise awareness of the great need for adoptive families for children both here in America and around the globe. The need is so great. The need is so heartbreaking. God is passionate about the orphan. In Psalm 68:5-6a it says, “A father of the fatherless and a judge and protector of the widows is God in His holy habitation. God places the solitary in families and gives the desolate a home in which to dwell.” Our greatest joy would be for others to follow God’s call to care for the orphan and widow in a tangible way, whatever that may be. Please join us on April 20th if you are able. We would love to see you there!

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